
 This week was good today was transfers but I sort of had mine early, as in last week. I was expecting to leave but instead and I might have been slightly irritated if I didn't receive an Italian comp............... I wrote this on pday last week but didn't finish it nor send it.

Now though I am sitting in the dentist office as my companion gets his wisdom tooth removed. On top of that we both got a cold and have been dealing with that, but it is just a cold so it is light work. We had a lesson with our simpatizzante Salvatore. We started of the lesson asking him what the pure love of Christ is to him and his response, although long, was a great testimony and I enjoyed what he said about Christ loving us an incomprehensible about always and forever despite our inability to pay back the smallest amount of our debt to him. Then again this morning (Monday) I was studying in Matthew 18 and Jesus gives a little parable about forgiveness and such in which a servant owed the Lord 10,000 talent. And for those of you who aren't numismatics 10,000 talents is equal to 100,000,000 denarii and 1 denarius was a full day's wage. Needless to say his debt couldn't be paid. Even with this incredible debt the Lord "was moved with compassion" and forgave him of all his debt. I am so so thankful that our unpayable is so freely forgiven from the Lord if we let it be so.

I also will write a weekly email EVERY week for the rest of my mission because I AM SO GREAT I AM SO GREAT EVERYBODY LOVES ME I AM SO GREAT.  Isabelle do you know what that's from? 


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