Another day, Another day

Hello all. This week was super good. Still have yet to to a pday really, because on wendsday we had a mission thing so we went to Milan tuesday night and stayed at the APs house and we stayed with some other Elders, must notible Anziano Lex (His brother served with Sabrina) He has a better German accent then Sabrina. And the other notible one was Anziano Szvoboda, who was in the mtc with me. Then the next day we went and listend to Anziano DeFao, he was really good and inspiring, one of the things that stuck out to me the most it don't aks yourself "What more can I do" but ask yourself " What more can I become" because if we strive to become disciples of Christ we will have more joy and bring more joy to others.

Other things that happend, So on Church on Sunday after we were talking with members and saw a face we didn't know so we went up and talked to him, He is lives in Germany and he come down to Italy every month for a week, He is dating a person in our ward and he is not a member, then we had to talk with some other people, but after a lot of people left he came back up to us and talked about how he has known the church for a long time, he used to look at stuff about the church on the Internet, and there is a lot of bad things, but he decided he should stop doing stuff like that and he started reading the Book of Mormon, and he stopped doing other bad things in his life. He is all the way through Alma, without ever being taught, but when he was talking to us he was like lately I feel like I need to be baptised. I is in Germany right now, but hopefully we will have the oppurtinity to teach him and let him enter into the gates to eternal life.

Also we talked with a guy named Hermann, not german, lol, He just move near here and the people who are renting the apartment to him are members so they set up a little party for when he got there and they Invited the Missionaries. WOOOOOO GO members, members help so much, and last night we were marking some Book of Mormon s and he called us and was like does the Church have power and are you there, yes. and yes. (His house doen't have power yet) so he came and charged his phone, and we were able to teach him about the Book of Mormon and the Resturataion and read some scriptures and taught him the law of Chastity, uh don't ask about it. He also said some time we should come over for food so EASy MONey.

I love seeing the joy the goesple brings to people, when talking with Betty a recent convert about how her next goal with her husband is the Temple so she could be sealed to him and her daughter (who is just so cute, she is like 1) You could just see the joy that idea brought her. It is really amazing how the Lord blesses us. I know he loves us.

Oh yeah, today we made lasagna, way good. 

Anziano Hymas


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