This week was really good. We had a Family Home evening with a recent convert and a strong family and the recent convert, Betty, invited 2 other people whom are non members. So awesome Betty loved it tons, and it was all thanks to the one member (I think I talked about him last week, but I can't remember, so if not rip rip). And that leads me to this 

Member work is so so important, people need friends, they NEED THEM. We have this one lady who we visit with sometimes, she hasn't gone to church in like 30 years, because some of the people weren't nice, that is sooo sad. I was also reading a story from Gordon B Hinckley and one of the people he converted, who was a bright young fellow, fell away from the Church soonish after because he had a calling and made a mistake, when he did so one of the people he was with as Hinckley put it "was a man I can best describe as being short on love and strong on criticism." Those words have really stuck with me for a couple days now, just love people. I would suggest reading the chapter I found this in, in The teachings of Gordon B Hinckley, or whatever it is called, chapter 22

Here   Chapter 22: Reaching Out with Love to New Converts and Less-Active Members


Another cool thing this week was we had a Skype call with Daniele our German investigator man, he is way smart, like way way smart, he is awesome. He has such a desire and good experiences already, he says he has read pretty much every bad thing written about the Church, yikes, but I am glad he is learning the Gospel Gods way now. It weird teaching him, he knows SO much. He was talking to us about where they found a bible written in the time of Jesus and how also in that city they found stuff written on plates, so cool. But the coolest thing was the name of the city they found, it was super similar to Cumorah, cool huh, whatever, Daniele new more info about it, and how to pronounce things in Hebrew.

Today was awesome, we went with a member (whom yesterday took me and my companion person to a Italian/Japanese buffe thing, mm soo good, their was even the little rotating belt with Sushi) Today he took us to the Mountain where Italy was dedicated for missionary work, It was a city up in the Mountains suuupppeeerrrr pretty, we couldn't really find it though so we did a combination of driving and walking around, so fun though. We were cruising down wooo. 
Mountains are better than the beach.
Ciao ciao
Vi vogliamo bene 
Anziano Hymas  


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