Waka waka a o a

This week we did missionary work. Today we saw some cool places, this big cave in Italy or somewhere. What did you guys all think of general conference? I liked it a ton, I listened in English for all of them, but for some there was ALSO Italian, like I had a earbud in for English but the ward was watching in Italian. I liked when the Italian translatior said Hobbit. I liked Anziano Boom's talk and name. He said something that I liked, something along the lines of create a atmosphere of love so change can happen and wants to happen, you don't need to criticize and remind people of what they can do better all the time, they know. I also like what President Hinckley say about love and criticism and stuff, like sometimes criticism is needed, but you need to do so in such a loving Christ Like way. 

I hope all of my pictures I ever post make you jealous, that is why they are there lolololol jk.



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