Eventful and uneventful

So on sunday afternoon my Companion didn't feel well, but we had a lunch appointment, so we went and ate, some chicken ribs lasagna potatoes, you know. The  after that appointment we went back to the house for Anziano Taylor to lay down, because he wasn't feeling well at all.
 he layed down for a couple hours I just cleaned the whole house. Then I started studying,  and I heard him throw up (I got him a throw up bowl though) so after he was down throwing up I went into the room to check on him, because usually you feel better after you throw up ya know?

But not this time he just turned to me a was like "I can't move my hands" and his hands were stuck in like the special needs position, and he was in a lot of pain and he said he could feel it moving up, and it wasn't stopping and the pain was a lot and we didn't know what was going on so he told me to call President. President effectively said he will call us back once the talk to the mission doctor. While we were waiting for President to call us back Anziano Taylor asked for a priesthood blessing, and while I was giving him the blessing he could start to move his hands again a bit. So we called president and we told him that it was going away. 

Then Anziano Taylor layed for like 20 minutes then came and sat down then said that it was starting to happen again, but this time it was his whole body, just frozen in pain so we called President again and told him we are going to the emergency room, they thought it was a good Idea. So then we called a member and Anziano Taylor with a frozen face frozen body all in scary pain he told the member to come pick us up, so then I helped handicapped Anziano Taylor down to the front door, we got picked up and went to the ER then.

Then the just gave him a breathing mask and checked his documents and then put him on a bed to wait, I waited with him for like a hour then the pain was coming back and his heart was hurting so I got a doctor and he pretty much did nothing, so we were still waiting then President and his wife showed up, President is cool, we went and got some snacks from the vending machine and we waited with Anziano Taylor,  we were waiting for like 2 more hours and during that time we were just talking to the people near us one old nice lady and we gave her a handout thing then this middle age woman was like who are you, so I pretty much did exchanges with President Browning.

So we went over there talked for a good amount of time about the church and what we do and what we believe we gave her a handout thing of Jesus Christ and one of the Rome temple. Then we started talking about the Book of Mormon and I got one out of Anziano Taylor's bag (I was wearing his because we left fast and I didn't grab mine) and I explained it to her a bit with President. The president's wife called him over so I was talking to the women and I offer her the book of Mormon and got her phone number and she seemed pretty Interested and was nice. Then we waited for like a hour more and while we are waiting for a bit she was looking though the Book of Mormon which is cool.

By now it is like 10 at night we haven't even been helped because free health care is poop. So we left Anziano Taylor felt bad but not horrible. Then President Browning took us to McDonald's for dinner and to get paper bags for Anziano Taylor to breath in if it happed again, it is funny cause it is like10:20 at night so then yeah

Next 2 days we pretty much stayed inside and Anziano Taylor felt horrible and I studied and stuff. Today he was fine tho, we just did a move so yeah.DAB


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