
Showing posts from September, 2019


This week was really good. We had a Family Home evening with a recent convert and a strong family and the recent convert, Betty, invited 2 other people whom are non members. So awesome Betty loved it tons, and it was all thanks to the one member (I think I talked about him last week, but I can't remember, so if not rip rip). And that leads me to this  Member work is so so important, people need friends, they NEED THEM. We have this one lady who we visit with sometimes, she hasn't gone to church in like 30 years, because some of the people weren't nice, that is sooo sad. I was also reading a story from Gordon B Hinckley and one of the people he converted, who was a bright young fellow, fell away from the Church soonish after because he had a calling and made a mistake, when he did so one of the people he was with as Hinckley put it "was a man I can best describe as being short on love and strong on criticism." Those words have really stuck with me for a couple

Another day, Another day

Hello all. This week was super good. Still have yet to to a pday really, because on wendsday we had a mission thing so we went to Milan tuesday night and stayed at the APs house and we stayed with some other Elders, must notible Anziano Lex (His brother served with Sabrina) He has a better German accent then Sabrina. And the other notible one was Anziano Szvoboda, who was in the mtc with me. Then the next day we went and listend to Anziano DeFao, he was really good and inspiring, one of the things that stuck out to me the most it don't aks yourself "What more can I do" but ask yourself " What more can I become" because if we strive to become disciples of Christ we will have more joy and bring more joy to others. Other things that happend, So on Church on Sunday after we were talking with members and saw a face we didn't know so we went up and talked to him, He is lives in Germany and he come down to Italy every month for a week, He is dating a person in